Friday, February 5, 2021

The Marjorie Taylor Greene Case: What the GOP is Willing to Defend

The Republican members of the House of Representatives has risen in defense of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to prevent the removal of her from its budget and education committees as proposed by the Democratic members of the House.  The Republican Conference gave her a standing ovation the night before the vote on her committee removal.  The GOP supported tRump's racist, sexist, offensive, and violent statements for over four years.  However, they did take action in recent times against one of their members.    

In January 2019, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who was supported by tRump, was stripped of all his committee assignments because of his racist statements.  King had a history of making racist remarks, including the statement that led to his removal from committees:  "White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization -- how did that language become offensive?"

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The GOP claimed that the Democrats were violating the custom of allowing each party to discipline its own members.  The problem is that the GOP refused to act.  The Democrats felt compelled to act and not remain silent.  This is why: 

On November 3, 2020, Greene became the first member of Congress who openly supported QAnon.  She was strongly endorsed by tRump who called her a "star" and a "winner."

QAnon is a right-wing conspiracy theory that claims that tRump is fighting to save America from a cabal of Satan worshipping child sex-traffickers in "the deep state."  It was started in 2017 by an anonymous person claiming to be a high-level government insider.  The FBI called QAnon believers a domestic terrorism threat.  They have committed many acts of violence.

In 2017, Greene said that Q was a pro-tRump patriot.  She also suggested that the mass shooting of 58 people in Las Vegas might have been staged in order to convince people to support anti-gun legislation.  She also said she believed that the shooter did not plan the shooting alone.  

In 2018, She agreed with a Facebook comment claiming that the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting was a "false flag operation" created to justify gun control.  17 people were killed in this tragic mass murder.  She also liked a Facebook post questioning whether the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was real.

She posted on YouTube a video of herself harassing, David Hogg, a Parkland school shooting survivor and gun-control activist.  She called the 18-year-old a "coward" and falsely claimed that his fight for gun control was financed by billionaire George Soros (an element of QAnon conspiracy theory).  She had prior to this incident labeled the young man "#littleHitler."

She also claimed that the devastating 2018 California Camp Fire (the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history) was deliberately set by a bank controlled by the Rothschild family (who are Jewish), the utility company PG&E, and then-Gov. Jerry Brown with space "lasers or blue beams of light" to make way for a high-speed rail project.  This wildfire killed 85 people.  The fire was caused by a poorly maintained electrical power grid.

In April 2018, she responded to a Facebook user desiring to hang Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama by saying, "Stage is being set.  Players are being put in place.  We must be patient.  This must be done perfectly or liberal judges would let them off."

In May 2018, Greene liked and supported a Facebook comment that falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton and a top aide had been seen in a video cutting off a child's face!  She has even accused the Clinton's of crashing JFK, Jr.'s airplane!

In November  2018, she released a video in which she questioned whether a plane actually flew into the Pentagon during the 9/11 terrorist attack.  She also liked a 2018 Facebook comment that falsely claimed that 9/11 was "done by our own Gov."  Greene responded, "That is all true."

In January 2019, she liked a Facebook comment that said, "a bullet to the head would be quicker" in reference to removing Nancy Pelosi from office.  She also started a petition to remove Pelosi from office for committing crimes of treason and even suggested that Pelosi should be executed.  Green also did a Facebook live video from inside Pelosi's office in which she said that Pelosi "will suffer death or she'll be in prison" for her "treason."

In February 2019, Greene appeared in a video questioning the legitimacy of two Muslim women in Congress, Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) because they were sworn in on the Quran instead of the Bible.  She said that they should go back to the Middle East.  Tlaib is a native of Detroit and Omar became a citizen 5 years after coming the U.S. from Somalia at the age of 12.  

In Greene's many videos, she made many racist and anti-Semitic statements.  She said that black people "are held slaves to the Democratic Party."  She called George Soros a Nazi.  He is actually a Democratic megadonor who happens to be Jewish.  

She promoted the conspiracy theory that the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia white supremacist rally that led to a counter protestor's death was an "inside job."  She has also condoned the conspiracy theory that Democrats are running a human-trafficking and pedophilia ring called "Pizzagate."

Greene called Black Lives Matter activists "idiots" and compared them to the neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia.  She said that she would feel "proud" to see a Confederate monument if she were black because it would symbolize the progress that has been made since the Civil War.  She also denied the existence of racial disparities by saying, "Guess what?  Slavery is over.  Black people have equal rights."  She said that the disproportionate rate of unemployment among people of color was due to "bad choices" and being "lazy" but "not white people." Greene asserted that "the most mistreated group of people in the United States today are white males" due to the use of affirmative action for black women in colleges.

Greene described Islamic nations under Sharia law as allowing men to have sex with "little boys, little girls, multiple women" and "marry their sisters" and "their cousins."  She said that the 2018 midterm elections brought in "an Islamic invasion of our government."  She further said that "anyone that is a Muslim that believes in Sharia law does not belong in our government."

In August 2020 during an interview, she defended herself for saying that George Soros turned over his own people to the Nazis to be "burned in ovens."  She also confirmed her belief in the QAnon conspiracy of the "deep state."

Over the summer of 2020, she campaigned with protection from the Georgia 3 Percent Martyrs, a militia group that has ties to other far-right groups and neo-Nazis who advocate for Georgia's secession from the Union following the arrests of insurrectionists who participated in the Capitol riot.

In 2021 as a member of Congress, Greene objected to the certification of the presidential election in support of the big election lie that there was voter fraud and that tRump won the election.  She was temporarily banned from Twitter for spreading false election fraud claims.

The day before the insurrection at the Capitol, she posted on Parler, "It's our 1776 moment!"

By mid-January 2021, Cori Bush decided to move her office away from Greene's.  She said that Greene had repeatedly "threatened" and "berated" her and her staff.  Bush said that Greene "came up from behind me ranting loudly into her phone while not wearing a mask."  This was the day after the announcement that some Democrats had contracted COVID-19 after being in hiding with Republicans who refused to wear a mask during the attack on the Capitol. 

On January 21, 2021, Greene announced that she had fulfilled her vow.  She had introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.  This was the day after his inauguration!

While Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) rescinded his endorsement of Greene and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) has refrained from making public comments about his endorsement, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) (a pit bull for tRump) continues to strongly endorse her.

During his speech to remove Greene from committee assignments, House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) passionately walked a photo across the House floor displaying a Facebook post of Greene holding an AR-15 next to a picture of minority Congress women that Greene had titled "SQUAD'S WORST NIGHTMARE."  Hoyer brilliantly and compassionately pointed out that these women were not "a squad" but were "people" who did not deserve to be threatened in this way for simply fighting for the rights of the American people.

She did not apologize for the specific, numerous, offensive statements and behaviors she committed.  She, instead, defended herself by blaming the media for misguiding her and by saying that her controversial statements were made before she was elected.  She even had the nerve to ask for thousands of dollars in donations to defend herself as if she were the victim of a conspiracy!

The House vote resulted in 219 votes by Democrats and 11 votes by Republicans to remove her from key committees.  There were no Democratic votes against her removal.  199 Republicans voted against her removal.  Two Democrats and one Republican did not vote.

Greene's response to losing her committee positions was to be defiant, to seek sympathy, to pat herself on the back for her non-apology, and to blame others for her situation.  She also declared the Republican Party to belong to tRump.

Steve King Removed from Committee Assignments Over White Supremacy Remark, The New York Times

The Vileness of Marjorie Taylor Greene, The Cut

A look at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's past incendiary statements and social media posts, The Baltimore Sun

House Republican leaders condemn GOP candidate who made racist videos, Politico

What Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said about conspiracy theories PolitiFact, Tampa Bay Times 

GOP candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene spread conspiracies about Charlottesville and Pizzagate,

Marjorie Taylor Greene a 'cancer for the Republican Party,' McConnell says, Global News

Cori Bush moves office after being 'berated' and 'targeted' by Marjorie Taylor Greene, CBS News

Hoyer walks photo of Greene's AR-15 post across House floor,

Mehdi Hasan's summary of Marjorie Taylor Greene's offensive statements in 60 seconds (video)

Marjorie Taylor Greene Asks Supporters for $50K to 'Send a Message' Amid Expulsion Threat Newsweek

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green Files Articles of Impeachment Against Biden, Courthouse News

No Apology From Greene As House Removes Her From Committees | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

'These are her words, her lies': Cooper calls out Rep. Greene, CNN

Keilar: This is how Republicans keep normalizing Taylor Greene, CNN

Jim Jordan Cries About Cancel Culture, Fawns Over Marjorie Taylor Greene, The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder

Congress Votes to Strip Rep. Greene from Her Committee Assignments | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Marjorie Taylor Greene responds to being removed from committee assignments, CNN

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