Saturday, December 2, 2017

10 Moments You Don't Want to Be Caught Wearing Sagging Pants!

1.  Someone is yelling FIRE!
You might not make it out alive.

2.  A mugger is chasing you!
You will probably not get away.

3.  The temperature is over 80 degrees!
You will burn up wearing all those layers to cover your behind.

4.  You are called in for a job interview!
Underwear showing does not make a good impression.

5.  You dropped something on the floor!
Nobody wants to see you pick it up.

6.  Your pockets are full of heavy items!
Those pants are going down.

7.  You are crossing the highway in heavy traffic!
You might be going down.

8.  Your arms are full of packages!
This is not going to be pretty.

9.  You are putting your groceries into your car!
Kids, cover your eyes.

10.  You are throwing heavy trash bags into a dumpster!
Better not use two hands.

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