Monday, December 18, 2017

When I Finally Got My First Sale!

After working all day every single day for nearly two months,...

After working night and day for about a month,...

After getting only two to three hours sleep for about a week,...

After getting over 17,000 views of my products through my affiliate marketing ads,...

I finally discovered I had made my first sale at 3:00 a.m. the morning of Monday, December 18, 2017, one week before Christmas!  (I started writing this forty minutes later at 3:40 a.m..)

I earned $3.35. 

I cried like a baby!

They were tears of gratitude to God for confirmation that I had a chance of making a living for myself and my child...a living that was not held captive by and at the mercy of other people's whims about whether they deemed me worthy of such an opportunity.  It was simply based on the merits of my efforts.

The sale had actually taken place on December 11, 2017, seven days before I checked. 

This is so ironic because prior to this week I had been habitually checking my progress charts several times a day only to find a big $0.00 in sales!  In fact, at 3 a.m. and feeling like I'd better go to bed before I passed out, I found out about my sale completely by accident.  I was trying one more desperate attempt to find a product that would actually sell when I spotted a brand new color on my progress chart!  It was green and indicated that I had a balance of $3.35!

This confirmed for me that it was actually possible for me to make at least one sale.  And, if I could make one sale, then surely I could make another one.  And, if I continued to work hard and didn't give up, I could actually make at least a modest but steady income.

I now know that hard work will pay off. 

Now it's up to me!  God, be with me!  :)




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