Saturday, November 4, 2017

10 Everyday Moments We Are Truly Thankful

1.  When we actually CAN find our money at the end of a meal in a restaurant!

2.  When we actually did NOT lock our keys in the car!

3.  When we DO make it to the bathroom before it's too late!

4.  When we actually ARE allowed to return something without a receipt!

5.  When we ARE actually able to hide the fact that we have split our pants!

6.  When we ARE able to request more time to pay a bill!

7.  When we realize there IS a little more toilet paper in the house!

8.  When our car starts DESPITE the fact that we left the lights on!

9.  When we finally FIND a place to sit when our feet are killing us!

10.  When the people at the drive-through ACTUALLY get  our order straight!


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