Saturday, November 4, 2017

10 Humorous Reasons to Be Thankful (For the Able and the Not So Able Bodied!)

1.  You are still breathing (with or without assistance!).

2.  You still have all of your body parts (at least the good ones!).

3.  You can still remember who you are and all of your family and friends (at least the ones you want to remember!).

4.  You can still feed yourself (without spilling too much of it!).

5.  Nobody has to take you to the bathroom (most of the time!).

6.  You are stilly sturdy on your feet (except for the occasional stumble!).

7.  You can still get up from the couch (if it's totally necessary!).

8.  You are still strong enough to exercuise (if you were forced into it!).

9.  You have everything you really need (if not everything you really want!).

10.  You are smart enough to count your blessings (as long as there is a calculator handy!).

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