Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Reasons Why You Are Important

We all know way down deep inside that we are important and valuable creatures.  However, from time to time we need to hear it out loud.   So, if no one else is saying it to you, take the time to say it to yourself!  Here are ten good reasons to feel good about yourself.  Feel free to replace the "you" with "I."

10 Reasons Why You Are Important!

1.  God and the universe want you here!

2. Every baby, child, and adult has value!

3. No one can take your place!

4. You help bring a little more joy to someone else's life!

5. People are happier when you are happy!

6. People are sadder when you are sad!

7. There are people who depend on you to make their lives a little bit better!

8. You have the capacity to feel love!

9. You have the capacity to give love!

10. There are experiences you you must help to create!

There is something beautiful about you!

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