Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Simple Foods to Dress Up for Halloween!

Halloween Party Treats can be fun and easy!  Try taking these simple, healthy foods and dressing them up for Halloween:


Slice an egg and add spices or black olives to make the slices look like eyes.

Cut celery stalks and stuff them with peanut butter or cream cheese (to avoid deadly peanut allergies) to form a log. Then add raisins on top to look like ants on a log or slivers of red peppers to look like worms on a log.

Peel a tangerine and stick a celery stick or a slice of bell pepper in it to make it look like a pumpkin.  Or slice a small, real pumpkin in half and bake it at 375 degrees until tender.  Don't forget to bake the seeds at 160 degrees for 15 minutes.

Float whole or halved grapes in cranberry juice to look like eyes floating in blood.  Or float thin cucumber strips to look like worms in blood.

Place walnutspretzel sticks or cooked spaghetti in crumbled cookies to look like brains, sticks or worms in dirt.


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