Monday, October 30, 2017

Anxiety and Depression Are Liars!

The lies that Anxiety and Depression tell us are many.  They build a wall between us and reality. They tell us:

We CAN'T when we actually CAN.

We MUST when we actually MUSTN'T.

We SHOULD when we actually SHOULDN'T.

We're LESS THAN when we're actually EQUAL TO.

We're INCAPABLE when we're actually CAPABLE.

We're UNWORTHY when we're actually WORTHY.

We're WORTHLESS when we're actually VALUABLE.

We're UNWANTED when we're actually WANTED.

We're UNLIKED when we're actually LIKED.

We're UNLOVED when we're actually LOVED.

We're PATHETIC when we're actually HUMAN.

We're USELESS when we're actually USEFUL.

We're STUPID when we're actually INTELLIGENT.

We're UNSKILLED when we're actually SKILLED.

We should feel SHAME when we actually SHOULD NOT.

We're TALENTLESS when we're actually TALENTED.

We're FINISHED when we're actually STILL ON A JOURNEY.

We're DYING when we're actually STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE.

We're DOOMED when we actually can IMPROVE.

We're HOPELESS when we actually have HOPE.

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  1. What a lovely background, I was using storm clouds for my depression/anxiety blog. Nice to see someone else helping spread the word. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for your support! I applaud your work as well!

  2. Nice words, but some mental processes are biochemical, depending on the hormonal processes of the brains. For example, your verses give a good feeling because of the positive stimulation of limbic system even when you do not have an depression..
    But also the kind of food you eat is very, very important for your mental health..

  3. Anaxagoras a greec philosopher (2400 years ago) said this : "And since the portions of both the large and the small are equal in amount, in this way too all things would be in everything; nor can they be separate, but all things have a portion of everything. Since there cannot be a smallest, nothing can be separated or come to be by itself, but as in the beginning now too all things are together. But in all things there are many things, equal in amount, both in the larger and the smaller of the things being separated off. (frag. 6)"

    So, nothing can be separated. The Beginning, the Big Bang, where all was together can not be separated of the human mind.
    Do you understand this.
    So comes the respect for all live and earth.
    And we need this very much....

    1. Yes,we all deserve to be respected! Thank you for sharing this!
